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Let the New Year Begin 2021

Updated: Nov 3, 2022

Boy it's been one heck of a year. Now it's time to put it behind us and move forward.

With the holidays over and 2021 arriving, I started thinking....

January and February take to long to get over, it seems like spring is never going to get here. These are the two months that mental health gets put to the test. With lock downs happening and the weather not being the best, its not surprising that people get the winter blues.

So here are some tips to help get over the hump.

  • Turn on the lights- Lights have a huge impact on your feelings. Turn on the lights and make the room your in, bright.

  • Walk- No matter what the weather, get out and walk if you can. I have a dog that makes me walk twice a day if I want to or not, no matter the weather. I try to walk when it is the nicest part of the day. If bad weather is coming in the afternoon, be sure to get out in the morning. Make sure to bundle up. Our parents use to say, get out and blow the stink off you.

  • Turn on the music- Music has always been known to lift the spirits and sure won't hurt to dance either to get the blood flowing.

  • The junk drawer- We all have that nasty drawer. I think I have more than 3. Just get one sorted and if you feel good about it, do another.

  • Tackle a closet- I know with lockdowns and the holiday season, I have packed on the pounds. Toss the stuff you can't, won't and are not wearing. Bag it up for when shelters are taking donations again.

  • YouTube- YouTube is a wonderful resource. You can find anything on it. Learn a new craft, learn an instrument, hone your craft or watch some Ted Talks. There is something for everybody.

  • Pinterest- If you haven't heard of Pinterest, you will be going into a time warp. It is one of my favourite places to go and learn a craft or get an idea. I have enjoyed many lost hours on the site. But no matter what your looking for, you will find it and inspiration to help you along the way.

  • Deep Clean- doing a #deep clean now, will save you time in the long run and you will feel much better knowing it is done. When the weather changes and we are no longer stuck in our homes; you won't have to add that to your list of things to do. You can be happy that it was done early

  • Plan your garden- I was planning mine Christmas Day. I have decided to plant in raised beds this year. It is something I am really looking forward to. Pinterest will be my friend for this challenge.

  • Zoom-Zoom has been a life saver for many. It closes the gap when we can't be together. Whether it is Zoom, FaceTime, Messenger, Skype or another platform, call someone up, and enjoy a chat with someone you love.

  • If decluttering a closet or deep cleaning your house doesn't excite you, feel free to reach out to Tomorrow Today Ayr, we would love to help you with your home so you can be ready for spring to arrive and be able to head outside knowing your home is organized and sparkling clean!

With times being what they are, there are ways to overcome the time by keeping busy and planning your winter so when spring comes, you are free to do the things you want.

Have faith in knowing that this won't last forever but for the mean time, keep busy, keep safe and lets start this year off with some plans to make this the best year ever.

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