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Top 10 "Must Haves" For Nursing Mothers

Updated: Oct 26, 2022

The journey into motherhood can be exciting, challenging and an incredible journey all rolled into one. Nursing is said to be the most natural thing a mother can do. It is natural and provides many pluses for both mom and baby. However the journey of learning to nurse may not be so natural. We have created a list to help you find things that will help you along the most amazing journey in the world for a new mom.

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  1. Lactation Consultant. They have many years of education and are a wealth of knowledge that can help with every aspect of nursing your newborn. #breastfeedingbuddies is an excellent place to look for a lactation consultant

  2. Patience, Patience, Patience! Easier said then done when you have a baby that is hungry and mom that is new to the nursing experience. Take a breath and relax the more you relax the more relaxed the baby will be.

  3. Help and extra hands. When first starting this journey it may be helpful to have your husband, mother or girlfriend help you with the positioning the #lacation consultant will teach you. An extra pair of hands and reassurance is always helpful until you and baby get your system worked out.

  4. Hospital Grade Breast Pump. #Medela offers rentals by the day week or month. Click here for same day delivery to your home.

  5. Breast Feeding Pillows. Breast pump pillows helps both mom and baby have a comfortable experience. These pillows are structured to help the baby lay comfortably and help with proper neck support while they nurse. #boppyoriginal for single babies and #mybestfriendnursing pillow for singles and twins are highly recommended for comfort.

  6. Nipple Cream. A soothing nipple cream provides much-needed relief before, during and after feedings. As natural as breastfeeding is, it doesn't always feel natural—especially at the beginning. An all natural cream #TenderCareLanolin organic nipple lotion provides protection for mom.

  7. Nipple Shields for mammas that are nursing preemie baby's or that have flat or inverted nipples. They should be used on the advice of a lactation consultant and they can also help provide instruction on using them. #Medela offers very well made nipple shields.

  8. Breast Pads are a must. Many women prefer the washable natural soft organic cotton as they feel nice close to the skin. There are also commercial disposable pads such as #TenderCare and #NursingPads. It is personal preference and you can mix and match depending on the occasion.

  9. Nursing Bras. A must have to keep mom comfortable. Having good support during the time that you nurse is essential in keeping mom pain free and comfortable. #Bravadodesigns nursing bras are one of the most comfortable bras on the market.

  10. Nursing tops and covers. Splurge and pick a few nursing tops and tanks. Moms deserve to feel great and look great too! If your happy and feel-good baby will be happy too. #gap #oldnavy #H&M

The best advise I can give anyone heading into this amazing journey is rest, relax and enjoy your little one. Figure out what works for you, everyone is different and not everything works the same for everyone. Ask for help, do not suffer in silence. Talk to a friend a family member and always seek advice from your physician, nurse, or midwife. If you have pain, you need to find the reason why and fix it. No mom should be in pain while breast feeding. Adjust things to work for you and your new bundle of joy, once they latch properly, they will be thrilled to snuggle in with you and enjoy the bonding time.


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